As an experienced councillor I am already a voice for the community. If you elect me Nicky Massey for PCC I will give you back your voice and together we can work on what issues matter to you and how together we can stop crime and anti social behaviour in our communities as a partnership.
I know that our residents do not feel listened to or heard by the police, and this has led to a decrease in public confidence.
I will create community forums where the “police are a guest at the residents table” a meeting led by the community to inform what their priorities are, what the local concerns are and what can be done about them in true transparent partnership. Instead of being spoken at.
This partnership with the community will mean better communication and better confidence in policing.
We can use our Neighbourhood watches in a much better way in that partnership role also. We can imbed domestic abuse ambassadors, digital crime advisors, Security advisors into our Neighbourhood watches to be part of the community and help with crime prevention and gain valued confidence of our police force again. This is something I have ALREADY been working on with Neighbourhood watch and I hope that we can start training soon in some areas.
We need our communities such as NHW and also partners such as National Famers union, Cambs Countryside watch to have a seat a the table of our community safety partnerships to be able to feed into the work of the team, be part of the team to tackle the crimes that they are most concerned about.
As the voice of the community I will also use the increase powers PCC’s have into looking at complaints at the appeal stage but also look at sampling the response for first level complaints also. It is vital our communities have confidence in our police force and the way we handle complaints is key.